Fujieda, Y. (2022). Academic discourse socialization: Case study on multilingual learners. Lexington Books.
藤枝 豊 (2021). 『ライティング指導を考えるーコミュニカティブナライティングを目指してー共愛学園前橋国際大学ブックレットXII』上毛新聞社
Book Chapter
Fujieda, Y. (2021). Promoting Transnational Teaching in Pre-service Language Teacher Education Programs in Japan: An Autoethnographic Approach. In A. Ahmed & O. Barnawi (Eds.), Mobility of knowledge, practice and pedagogy in TESOL teacher education: Implications for transnational contexts (pp. 239–258). Palgrave Macmillan.
Nagamine, T., Fujieda, Y., & Iida, A. (2018). The role of emotions in reflective teaching in second language classrooms: Felt sense, emotionality, and practical knowledge acquisition. In J de D. Martinez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching: Theory, research and teacher education (pp. 145–163). Springer.
Fujieda, Y. (2010). Complexities of academic writing in English: Difficulties, struggles, and clashes of identity. In M. Cox, J. Jordan, C. Ortmeier-Hooper & G. G. Schwartz (Eds), Reinventing identities in second language writing (pp. 163–168). NCTE.
藤枝 豊 (2008). Writing through collaborative work. 大学英語教育学会授業学研究委員会(編)『高等教育における英語授業の研究―授業実践事例を中心に―』(pp. 130-131) 松柏社
Fujieda, Y. (2024). Reconceptualizing emotional research in second language writing:
Interpreting the meaning of the felt Sense of English writing. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 24, 21–32.
Fujieda, Y. (2024). Analyzing the felt sense of writing in English. The KOTESOL Proceedings 2023, 31–38.
Sato, R., & Fujieda, Y. (2023). Critical review of studies of engagement with written corrective feedback for the improvement of written accuracy. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 23, 65–86.
Fujieda, Y. (2020). Complex emotions and sense of writing in English: A case study of three Japanese EFL writers. The KOTESOL Proceedings 2019, 61–67.
Fujieda, Y. (2020). Emotional studies of second language writing: Focusing and TAE methods. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 20, 1–13.
Fujieda, Y. (2019). Academic discourse socialization in a research seminar course: A case study of a Japanese EFL undergraduate learner. The Asian-Pacific Education Researcher, 28(2), 93–100.
Fujieda, Y. (2019). A pilot study of emotions of writing in L2: Unpacking the felt sense of an EFL writer. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 19, 1–18.
Fujieda, Y. (2018). Implications of the course of study reforms on English language teaching in Japanese secondary schools: Toward teaching English as an international language. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 18, 27–40.
Fujieda, Y. (2018). Reflecting on a professional teacher’s path: An autobiographical account. Explorations in Teacher Development, 24(2), 33-34.
Fujieda, Y. (2017). Suggestions for the teaching of writing: From students’ reflective narratives of English writing. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 17, 25–37.
Fujieda, Y., & Iida, A. (2015). Literacy autobiography in EFL contexts: Investigating Japanese student language learning experiences. The KOTESOL Proceedings 2014, 97–104.
Fujieda, Y. (2015). Academic literacy and discourse socialization of seven multilingual in a research seminar course in a Japanese University [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Fujieda, Y. (2013). Constructing writer identities in a Japanese EFL setting. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 18, 25–38.
Fujieda, Y. (2012). Dealing with teaching academic writing in English in Japanese higher education: From an approach for autobiographical narrative. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 12, 31–42.
Fujieda, Y. (2012). Initiation of world Englishes into EFL writing classrooms in Japanese secondary school. Asian EFL Journal, 58, 5–27.
Fujieda, Y. (2010). Exploring of teaching and construction of teacher identity through teaching practicum. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 10, 111–123.
Fujieda, Y. (2009). Effect of peer response on perceptions, beliefs, and behavior: Reflective accounts of a Japanese EFL writer. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 9, 113–123.
Fujieda, Y. (2008). Looking on my personal academic literacy development in English: An autoethnographic approach of second language literacy. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 8, 75–90.
Fujieda, Y. (2007). Perceptional change toward peer response: How writers incorporated feedback into revisions. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 7, 139–153.
Fujieda, Y. (2006). A brief historical sketch of second language writing studies: A retrospective. Kyoai Gakuen Journal, 5, 59–73.
Fujieda, Y. (2001). A reflection on my literacy experiences in Japanese and English [Unpublished thsis]. Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Fujieda, Y. (2024). (2024, April 30–May 1). Navigating emotions: English writing challenges of Japanese EFL writers [Conference presentation]. The 31st Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Fujieda, Y. (2023). (2023, April 29–30). A Study on EFL Writers’ Emotional Expressions and Perception [Conference presentation]. The 30th Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Fujieda, Y. (2022). (2022, November 11–14). Elaborating the felt sense of writing in English [Conference presentation]. JALT 2022, Fukuoka, Japan.
Fujieda, Y. (2021). (2021, March 20–23). Emotions towards and the meaning of writing in L2: Exploring L2 writers’ felt sense [Conference presentation]. The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2021 Virtual Conference.
藤枝 豊 (2021). (2021, March 14). 英語ライティングの感受概念-TAE理論を用いた事例- TAEシンポジウム 2021.
Fujieda, Y. (2020). (2020, November 27–29). Elucidating writers’ emotions towards writing in L2 [Conference presentation]. Asia TEFL 2020, Goyang, South Korea.
Fujieda, Y. (2019). (2019, October 12–13). Complex emotions and sense of writing in English [Conference presentation]. The 27th Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Sato, R., & Fujieda, Y. (2019). (2019, August 28–30). A curriculum analysis of English writing classes in Japanese universities [Conference presentation]. The 58th JACET International Convention, Nagoya, Japan.
藤枝 豊 (2019). (2019, March 17). TAE理論を応用した第二言語教育の事例 TAEシンポジウム 2019.
Fujieda, Y. (2018). (2018, November 23–26). Emotions of felt sense of writing in English: A case study of Japanese EFL writers [Conference presentation]. JALT 2018, Shizuoka, Japan.
Fujieda, Y. (2018). (2018, October 13–14). How do learners’ emotions affect their writing in English? [Conference presentation]. The 26th Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
藤枝 豊 (2018). (2018, October 6). ナラティブと感受概念を用いた第二言語ライティング研究 第二言語ライティング研究会.
Fujieda, Y. (2018). (2018, August 2–4). Challenges for teaching writing in secondary schools: A case study of two aspiring English teachers [Conference presentation]. Symposium on Second Language Writing, Vancouver, Canada.
Fujieda, Y. (2017). (2017, October 21–22). Examining emotionality of writing in English: Using TAE method [Conference presentation]. The 25th Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Fujieda, Y. (2017). (2017, June 11). Exploring my teacher development as a writing teacher: Autobiographical narratives [Conference presentation]. JALT SIG EFL Teacher Journey Conference, Hyogo, Japan.
Fujieda, Y. (2016). (2016, October 20–22). Exploration of teacher’s perspectives on teaching writing: Use of autobiographical narratives [Conference presentation]. Symposium on Second Language Writing, Tempe, AZ, U.S.A.
Iida, A., Fujieda, Y., & Nagamine, T. (2016). (2016, September 8–10). Exploring pre-service teachers’ practical knowledge to Promote innovative and creative pedagogical approaches [Conference presentation]. TEFLIN 2016, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Fujieda, Y. (2015). (2015, November 19–21). Suggestions for teaching writing from students’ reflection on writing practices [Conference presentation]. Symposium on Second Language Writing, Auckland, New Zealand.
Fujieda, Y. (2015). (2015, March 21–24). Academic discourse socialization of seven undergraduate-level multilinguals in a research seminar course [Conference presentation]. The American Association for Applied Linguistics, Toronto, Canada.
Fujieda, Y. (2015). (2015, October 10–11). Development of academic literacy: Processes of discourse socialization by Japanese EFL undergraduates [Conference presentation]. The Korea TESOL International Conference & English Expo, Seoul, South Korea.
Fujieda, Y., & Iida, A. (2014). (2014, October 3–5). Literacy autobiography for teacher professional development [Conference presentation]. 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Iida, A., & Fujieda, Y (2013). (2013, October 25–29). Autobiography as literacy practice: Ramifications of teaching autobiography to EFL composition classroom [Conference presentation]. 39th Annual International Conference. Hyogo, Japan.
Fujieda, Y (2009). (2009, November 20–23). Beliefs and perceptional change of peer response [Conference presentation]. 35th Annual International Conference. Shizuoka, Japan.
Fujieda, Y (2009). (2009, November 5–7). Initiation and development of academic literacy through scholarly texts: A case study of a Japanese EFL learner [Conference presentation]. Symposium on Second Language Writing, Tempe, AZ, U.S.A.
Fujieda, Y (2008). (2008, October 31–November 2). Reinventing identity: Writing in English [Conference presentation]. 34th Annual International Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
Fujieda, Y (2008). (2008, September 10–13). Perceptional change toward peer feedback [Conference presentation]. The 47th Annual JACET Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
藤枝 豊 (2008). (2008, May 24). 教師教育を目的とした英語授業のアイデア-小さな変化から. 日本国際教育学会春季研究大会
Fujieda, Y (2006). (2006, September 17). Use of autobiography in writing classroom [Conference presentation]. JALT Gunma Monthly Meeting. Gunma, Japan.
Ohata, K., & Fujieda, Y (2006). (2006, September 8–10). Ideas for teaching exploration in the classroom: How can we teach differently? [Conference presentation]. The 45th Annual JACET Conference. Osaka, Japan.